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JOE SATRIANI To Embark On Fine Art Tour This September At Wentworth Galleries In South Florida...

Bill Hernandez

The Iconic Musician Will Make Appearances in Hollywood, Fort Lauderdaleand Boca Raton, FL at Wentworth Galleries to Celebrate His Newest Works


September, 2023 - Joe Satriani, the legendary world-renowned guitarist, with showings debuting at three Wentworth Gallery locations in September. Satriani has prepared one of a kind pieces for the exhibit including original canvases and hand painted guitars.

Joe Satriani is one of the most recognized guitar players in the world and has dedicated himself to the artistry of the instrument. As a guitar player, Satriani is at the top of his game. As a guitar teacher, his roster of either well-known guitarist is simply insane. The list includes Steve Vai, Kirk Hammett, and Alex Skolnick to name just a few.

With Satriani's reputation growing, he broke through the masses with his second full-length album 'Surfing With The Alien. The rest, as they say, is guitar history. With six gold and platinum discs to his credit (including one more gold award for the debut album by his band Chickenfoot), and sales in excess of 10 million copies. Satriani's 19th studio album, "The Elephants Of Mars" crackles with an exciting new energy, briskly traveling through stylistic roads that feel freshly updated, viewed through new eyes. Forced time away from the road due to the pandemic, allowed for time to deliver an album length journey that never dulls.

Satriani is also a very gifted artist. When he is not touring, you can find Satriani painting a canvas, or even an Ibanez guitar. His work is featured in many of the Wentworth Galleries around the country. Satriani will be bringing his collection of artwork to the Wentworth Galleries here in South Florida mon September 8-10 at three locations (Schedule is at bottom of article).

In advance of his appearances, Satriani took time to speak with Bill Hernandez of about his upcoming appearances, the Elephants Of Mars Tour, and how great it is to be back on the road.

Q: You are still pretty fresh off of the Elephants Of Mars Tour. How was it being back on the road post-pandemic?

Satriani: Very interesting, euphorical, emotional, and difficult. The world has not gone back to the way it was before. It wasn't always a well-oiled machine, but it was pretty good in terms of traveling around and setting up-and-doing a rock and roll show around the world. Little things that the fans probably never think of, like we can't get truck drivers or bus drivers or even good buses. You know, every venue has half the staff, every hotel has half the staff, everything that we do on a daily basis before you see the show, and after the show, it was really difficult and the threat of COVID shutting down the tour, that's just crazy. That will give you sleepless nights. I mean, rock and roll does that anyway. But let's just put all that aside and get back on stage again.

Q: You are a well-seasoned guitarist. Do you still practice when you're on the road or warm up before a show? How many hours a day do you put in?

A: When I'm on tour,I actually stay away from the instrument All day. I usually warm up for about an hour before the show, Because I really have to save it for the show. I learned this way back when I was really young. I would practice A lot before showtime and then when it was time to take the stage, I had already given my best stuff. So, you know, I've learned the hard way that yeah, just remember that you've learned the instrument, you've studied, you're ready. Don't worry about that, just make sure you're relaxed, you know, and that you can plug into the audience's energy. I think that's the most important thing.

Q: Is there anything in the Satriani "vault" From back in the day that might see the light sometime in the future?

A: You know we've been pretty good about holding things back periodically and I think starting with the Time Machine double album that came out in the early 90s, we started not holding back him and doing remixes and showing people the songs that didn't make it to the album and the compilations and stuff. Remember that USB Chrome Head? We put everything in those and then later on the Chrome guitar. I don't like the idea of putting every single thing out there and I was thinking about that about different bands. I do like Led Zeppelin's approach. They would record an album and they would basically just give the audience everything for that album, you know, there's not 4 other albums that they decided not to release at the time. They gave us everything, you know, which I think is really cool.

Q: Now aside from music you're an amazing amazing artist and we are excited that you will be bringing your collection of artwork To 3 South Florida Wentworth Gallery locations this September. You seem to like to get out to these appearances and meet up with the fans.

A: I do. Every time I walk into a Wentworth Gallery and I see nothing but my paintings, you know, framed first of all, I never get to see my stuff framed because I work on it as raw canvas. So to see it stretched and framed so professionally and hung professionally in a professional setting with beautiful lighting. It's wow, it's like visiting your favorite radio stations at one time, And then I get to play guitar for a little bit, which is kind of freaky. It is a very casual and intimate setting in front of 20 people in a gallery. I really do love it and it's a great way to connect with the fans.

“Joe is a master storyteller. Just as his music draws in the listener, his art draws in the viewer. His

artwork is emotional, imaginative, and fantastic. Not only do you see the universe through Joe’s eyes, but you also contemplate our place in it.” - Christian O’Mahony, Principal Wentworth Gallery


Music and art are my passions. I like making the invisible, visible, and the unimaginable, real. The image on a canvas, or, an electric guitar for that matter, can make you feel something unexpected and

revealing, something that is the beginning of a greater personal insight. Challenging the straight line and the concepts of what belongs with what excites me. I want to experience new color combinations to make me see beyond the prevailing reality. There’s a balance between seriousness and humor that can imbue in a painting a kind of resilience and longevity, making it forever contemporary. When I paint and play my guitar, I strive to be in a state of exhilaration and communicate that feeling to my fans. - Joe Satriani


(artist will be in attendance at all showings)

FRIDAY,Sept. 8

Wentworth Gallery at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino

Address: 5804 Seminole Way #103

Hollywood, Florida



Wentworth Gallery at the Boca Raton Town Center Mall

Address: 6000 Glades Road #1089

Boca Raton, Florida.


Sunday, Sept.10

Wentworth Gallery Las Olas

Address: 819 E. Las Olas Blvd.

Fort Lauderdale, Fl. 33301

All Artwork on Exhibition is Available for Acquisition


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